- Still Disinfecting Surfaces? It Might Not Be Worth It - Lockdown and social distancing could make our immune system weaker, says scientist - UK's Telegraph - 6/27/20
“The government has called for citizens to hold themselves accountable for social distancing instead of ordering lockdowns,” - Places without social distancing have 35 times more potential coronavirus spread, study finds
these results imply 10 times greater spread by April 27 without [shelter-in-place orders] … and more than 35 times greater spread without any of the four measures,” the researchers wrote in “Strong Social Distancing Measures in the United States Reduced the COVID-19 Growth Rate.”
Four countries - Taiwan, Iceland, South Korea, Germany -
Major events with 10s of thousands an no solid superspreader evidence - Sean Feucht
Many people, myself included immediately questioned the mandates of shelter in place and social distancing as soon as they came out. To me, they don't make sense. China is the one who started it all this pandemic, and do you really trust China, which is probably the must surveilled society in the world? I suspected immediately it was a way to see how much more control they could gain over their people. My brother, who has lived in China for seven years now has told me how crazy it's been, where he couldn't even go out on a run because they would test his temperature before going back into his apartment building, and having just run, he feared his temperature might be up and he would be put in strict quarantine.
The term social distancing itself is questionable. Do we really want social distance, or is it physical distance? Who coined that term and why did they chose those words? Though some level of distancing has been used in previous pandemics, I don't believe it's ever been mandated on more than a city-wide basis and even wikipedia says, "It is not clear why six feet was chosen." Do you really think you might catch the virus by standing one foot behind someone or even besides someone? The whole droplets thing is a theory that is more and more looking like it's not a likely vector in transmission. So what is the scientific basis for this distancing?
And when people are shut down in their homes, the mental health of many people deteriorates over time. My personal friend is in excruciating pain because his surgery was cancelled as it was not considered important enough. Why has this policy never been used, as far as I know, in any other of the pandemics we've had in recent years. Who came up with the idea? According to Wikipedia, "The American Red Cross says the warning is issued when 'chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants may be released accidentally or intentionally into the environment.'" For those instances it makes sense, but this pandemic does not fit that definition. So who came up with the idea for the coronavirus and where's the evidence that it's effective? Why not encourage people to get out into nature, where the beauty and fresh air is so healing? Can you get the virus when you are alone with a tree or on a mountain top?
When many millions are put out of work and falling into poverty around the world and people are going stir crazy in their homes, I'd like to see some kind of scientific justification that these policies being enforced worldwide actually do some good. Millions in Indonesia and other countries don't even have enough to eat as a result of this. So far, out of the five countries I know that have not implemented these policies, none of them have spun out of control as was predicted. Sweden, which has taken the strongest non-lockdown stance, is doing much better in deaths per million that France, Spain, the UK, and Belgium.
We test drugs and other things thoroughly to make sure the side effects are not worse than the drugs themselves. Don't you think the same should apply in a situation never tried before where literally millions could die as a result of these policies while less than a million die from the disease?
But it is not the number of deaths, but rather the number of cases that matters in determining how effective the shelter in place orders are in preventing the spread of the virus. If the number of cases in Japan shoots up much faster in Japan than California in the next few weeks, it is likely that the shelter in place orders are making a difference. Japan has had 10 days so far without these orders since CA instituted them. I highly suspect we will find that shelter in place does not make a big difference.
Note that Japan has a population of 125 million while California has 40 million and California is slightly larger in size, so with over three times the population density, I would expect the virus to spread somewhat more quickly in Japan that the US even if the measures taken were the same. - The Untold Story of the Birth of Social Distancing
Note: Read an excellent essay ( revealing serious questions about the formation of this policy.
Check out the part about the effort beginning with Bush and enlisting Dr. Hatchett (I love the name!). And only if it make sense, consider including "Dr. Markel called it “very gratifying to see our work used to help save lives.” But, he added, “it is also horrifying.”".
Social distancing recommended by CDC in 2017 -