Learn how the Lancet promoted the term "conspiracy theory" for those claiming the virus may have originated from a lab, as evidenced by emails obtained through FOIA - https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/12/16/covid-conspiracy.aspx
"The Lancet Commission, formed by the British medical journal in July, has made a primary goal identifying the origins of covid-19 and averting future zoonotic pandemics. The journal declared “the evidence to date supports the view” that covid-19 “is a naturally occurring virus rather than the result of laboratory creation and release.” But the commission says, “The possibility of laboratory involvement in the origins of the pandemic should be examined with scientific rigor and thoroughness, and with open scientific collaboration.” - https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/the-coronaviruss-origins-are-still-a-mystery-we-need-a-full-investigation/2020/11/13/cbf4390e-2450-11eb-8672-c281c7a2c96e_story.html - The coronavirus’s origins are still a mystery. We need a full investigation. - 11/14/20 - Washington Post
There is high strangeness in a Harvard professor's recent arrest for his clandestine relationship with a Wuhan University and the smuggling of biological samples to China. - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/28/us/charles-lieber-harvard.html - 1/28/20
Fauci patents - https://patents.justia.com/inventor/anthony-s-fauci
US' main biowarfare facility at Fort Detrick, MD by the CDC in mid-July of 2019 and this following the prior outbreak of a mysterious virus that killed some 50 or so people in two nursing homes in nearby Springfield and Burke, VA. These were followed by the equally mysterious outbreak of pneumonia-like death across the US attributed to 'e-vaping'. In short, the known biowarfare 'gain of function' research into SARS-Cov-1 and bat corona viruses (both a matter of public record...and of vociferous condemnations by top virologists over the past decade) could well have resulted in the initial 'leak' occurring in the US.
https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/world/french-nobel-prize-winner-claims-coronavirus-came-from-wuhans-lab/article31385834.ece - French Nobel prize winner claims coronavirus came from Wuhan’s lab
Mikovitz and Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman on origins of virus being Fort Derrick - https://healthimpactnews.com/2020/corporate-media-and-big-tech-trying-to-stop-judy-mikovits-interview-exposing-dr-fauci-from-airing-this-weekend/
Marcela/Mikovits - https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/05/03/is-the-new-coronavirus-created-in-a-lab.aspx
Vaccine patent for coronavirus granted Nov. 2019 - https://patents.google.com/patent/EP3172319B1/en
Note: Current assignee is Pirbright Institute,
“The organization specializes in studying animal viruses and zoonotic diseases that transfer from animals to people.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/03/27/covid-19-fact-check-bill-melinda-gates-foundation-did-not-patent-coronavirus/2919503001/
Patent granted Nov. 2018
“Researchers from The Pirbright Institute have been awarded US $5.5 million by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to establish a Livestock Antibody Hub aimed at improving animal and human health globally.”
“an annual income in excess of £35 million from grants and commercial activity, and a total of £12.6 million strategic investment”
“This is the single biggest investment in the immunology of livestock in the UK from an international funder.” Nov. 15, 2019 (Pirbright total budget 30m pounds - wikipedia)
“3,200 patent families that mention Coronavirus in their title, abstract or claims, and over 17,000 patent families that mention Coronavirus in their full text.”
are you also aware that biolabs around the world and playing with animal viruses to see how they can infect humans? Check out the links below: