-The data shows lockdowns end more lives than they save "The deadly impact of lockdowns will grow in future years, due to the lasting economic and educational consequences. The United States will experience more than 1 million excess deaths in the United States during the next two decades as a result of the massive “unemployment shock” last year, according to a team of researchers from Johns Hopkins and Duke, who analyzed the effects of past recessions on mortality.
"The lockdowns may also have saved some lives, but there’s still no good evidence. When the 50 states are ranked according to the stringency of their lockdown restrictions, you can see one obvious pattern: The more restrictive the state, the higher the unemployment rate. But there is no pattern in the rate of COVID-19 mortality."
According to Wikipedia at the link below, 16 countries have never instituted a lockdown for COVID.
Why is it that not one of these countries is in the top 10 of most deaths per million, while several of them are near the bottom of the list? Here's a link to show the countries with the most deaths per million: - Covid-19: How does Belarus have one of the lowest death rates in Europe? - 9/15/20 - "President Aleksander Lukashenko, who has been in power since 1994, has flatly denied the seriousness of the pandemic, refusing to impose a lockdown, close schools, or cancel mass events like the Belarusian football league or the Victory Day parade. Yet the country’s death rate is among the lowest in Europe—just over 700 in a population of 9.5 million with over 73 000 confirmed cases." - More 12/19/20 at - WHO condemn lockdowns and say they 'only make poor people poorer' - 2020-10-12, MSN News ****"Dr Nabarro appealed to world leaders to stop "using lockdowns as your primary control method", insisting that such drastic measures can have a dire impact on global poverty rates. The British doctor stated: "We in the World Health Organisation do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus." - Economist - 12/12/20 - "In total 2,487 people have died of the coronavirus in Japan ... fewer people than on a single day in America several times over the past week. Japan has suffered just 18 deaths per million people ... by far the lowest in the G7, a club of big, industrialised democracies. Most strikingly, Japan has achieved this success without strict lockdowns or mass testing—the main weapons in the battle against covid-19 elsewhere."
Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, South Korea, Netherlands
Taiwan had only six deaths without lockdown -