- Bill Gates Warns Of Epidemic That Could Kill Over 30 Million People - 2/19/17 - The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don’t want you to know about - 2/22/18 - Remember Overwhelmed Hospitals Across the US Three Years Ago? Time magazine report Jan. 18, 2018: "In California, which has been particularly hard hit by this season’s flu, several hospitals have set up large ‘surge tents’ outside their emergency departments to accommodate and treat flu patients. Even then, the LA Times reported this week, emergency departments had standing-room only, and some patients had to be treated in hallways." - - Flu stomps the nation, overwhelming ERs and leaving 20 children dead

Rate of death among children is 0.01% or 1/10,000 - - "NY Times Lies about the Risk of Children Dying from COVID-19" 9/25/20

CDC advises keeping pets socially distant; transmission rates are low unless animals are in prolonged and close physical contact - WSJ 9/7/20 - - Bill Gates: Millions more will die in this pandemic, and ‘freedom’ hinders the disappointing U.S. response - 8/22/20 - Flushing the Toilet May Fling Coronavirus Aerosols All Over - 6/16/20

Jeremy Hammond response - - LA Times 4/2/20 "Kim Prather, a leading atmospheric chemist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, wants to yell out her window at every surfer, runner, and biker she spots along the San Diego coast. “I wouldn’t go in the water if you paid me $1 million right now,” she said. ... In Manhattan Beach, a surfer was slapped with a $1,000 fine after he ignored numerous warnings by police and lifeguards cautioning him not to go in the water."

Every graph shows # cases dead, recovered, makes it appear as if death rate is very high, recovery rate very late when it is well know the number of cases is more than 10X what’s reported and the majority are asymptomatic. - Study says actual number of Covid-19 cases is far greater than thought

Note: Conveniently not mentioned in this article is that this means that the mortality rate is 10 times or more less than has been reported. - How worried should the Bay Area be about a 'third spike' of COVID-19 in the fall? 8/28/20

MSN two days ago came out with an article painting a very grim picture of Sweden. Yet if you check official death statistics at the Johns Hopkins link immediately below, you'll see that Sweden has had 146 deaths in the last month from COVID. That is less than five deaths a day.

In the meantime, if you check official death statistics at the Johns Hopkins link immediately below this, you'll see that California has had 3,899 deaths in the last month. That is over 120 deaths per day, 60 times as many as Sweden.

So why is the media so bent on making Sweden look bad when they are doing far better than California, the US, and many other countries in the last month? - Sweden's Coronavirus Herd Immunity 'Nowhere in Sight,' Researchers Say - 8/11/20