Violence drastically increased - - The spike in gun violence continues, with 2021 on pace to be the worst year in decades
Quote in ABC News from this year's Nobel Peace Prize winner, David Beasley, the executive director of the World Food Program: "At the beginning of this year, 135 million people already faced starvation from manmade conflict and climate extremes, Beasley said. Now, 270 million people are on the brink of starvation." - - 10/9/20
1.5 million people have reportedly died from the virus, yet 135 million have been pushed to “the brink of starvation” not by the virus, but by the lockdown measures. Are the consequences of the lockdown policies worse than the consequences of the virus itself?
According to USA Today, millions went hungry on Thanksgiving as a result lockdown policies. - - 11/26/20 - The loneliness of an interrupted adolescence Naomi Wolf, who Wikipedia describes as "an American liberal feminist author, journalist and former political advisor to Al Gore and Bill Clinton," and Tucker Carlson set aside their differences in this important six-minute interview. Tucker's final comment about polarization is most revealing.
As I've been pointing out from the beginning, the collateral damage from the lockdown measures could be far worse than the damage caused by the virus itself. Here's a Time magazine article showing there could me more deaths from hunger than from COVID. Now add to that the extra deaths by suicide, domestic violence, and the emotional damage to our children and our own psyches. Is it really worth it? - 7/9/20 - Surge of Student Suicides Pushes Las Vegas Schools to Reopen - 1/24/21 "But given the politically charged atmosphere this past summer, many of those warnings were dismissed as scare tactics. Parents of students who have taken their lives say connecting suicide to school closings became almost taboo." - The pandemic led to ‘one of the greatest wealth transfers in history’ - CNBC 6/4/20 - NY Times - 10/20/20 - "[There are] roughly 100,000 fatalities that are indirectly related and would not have occurred if not for the virus. The greatest percentage increase in excess deaths has occurred among adults ages 25 to 44. While the number of deaths among adults ages 45 to 64 increased by 15 percent, and by 24 percent among those ages 65 to 74, deaths increased 26.5 percent among those in their mid-20s to mid-40s, a group that includes millennials. People of color also had large percentage increases in excess deaths." Former U.S. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb voiced his concern ( that “a good portion of the deaths in that younger cohort were deaths due to despair. We’ve seen a spike in overdoses.”
<a href="" target="_blank">This Bloomberg article</a> is titled "Flu Infections at Record Low Amid Covid-19 Prevention Push." - Small Businesses Are Dying by the Thousands — And No One Is Tracking the Carnage - 8/11/20
The level of hunger in U.S. households almost tripled between 2019 and August of this year. Even more alarming, the proportion of American children who sometimes do not have enough to eat is now as much as 14 times higher than it was last year. - 9/23/20 Intercept
Hunger poverty deaths - Here are two examples of how many more may die for coronavirus policies than from the disease itself: World risks 'biblical' famines due to pandemic - UN - How the Pandemic Is Affecting What Babies and Toddlers Learn - Coronavirus crisis could plunge half a billion people into poverty: Oxfam
Note: The New York Times originally posted this article on their website, yet then strangely removed it. - US satisfaction falls to lowest point in 9 years, poll finds - 8/4/20
“US satisfaction in the state of national affairs is at 13% -- falling from a 15-year high just before the coronavirus pandemic hit to the lowest it has been in nine years, according to a Gallup poll”